Why Is Submission Wrestling Difference Between Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Why Is Submission Wrestling Difference Between Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Submission wrestling or grappling is a relatively new sport. Mainly based on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, your objective is to make your opponent submit using a variety of techniques such as chokes and joint locks to win the match on points.

Submission wrestling is unique because of three things. These are namely the strategies, the techniques and the training.

In terms of strategy, you have to get yourself into a position that will allow you to gain total control of your opponent. There will be moves and counter moves because your opponent will surely not give up without a fight.

As for the techniques used, it has to be pointed out that submission wrestling relies heavily on structural attacks. This means that if you want to immobilize an opponent, you attack for instance the ankle joint which as you know is connected to other parts of the body like the foot and leg. If you push further, you can break it and knowing that could very well happen, the opponent will mostly likely submit.

The ankle joint as mentioned is just one of the many pressure points in the body. One problem that you may encounter is that at times, this is unreliable. Your opponent may have a high tolerance for pain and can ignore such an attack so you have to focus on another part of his body where he could be more vulnerable.

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But how do you train for submission wrestling? Unlike other forms of martial arts, you practice a certain technique several times until you get it right. In submission wrestling, the only way to achieve high tolerance for pain and improve in your skills is through sparring.

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This will give you time to sharpen your technique and practice what other wrestlers do to win so you can find ways to get out of it.

But you have to remember that other wrestlers will be doing that as well. During competition, some people will record the fight and then play it so they can find also find a weak point. There are instructional DVD’s in the market which people can buy, seminars are conducted and private classes taking place.

Your secret fighting technique as well as theirs won’t be a secret for so long and to be on top of your game, you have to find other ways to win.

These are classified into guards and mounts. For guards, you have full guard, closed guard, open guard, half guard, butterfly guard, spider guard, Dele Riva guard and X-guard. Basically, you position yourself on the back of the opponent and grab on to the legs, thighs, torso or feet.

In the mount, you are also in a dominant position when you are able to sit on your opponent’s chest, side or torso. There is the top mount, rear mount, side mount and the reverse mount.

Other positions also used in submission wrestling include north/south position, knee on stomach, scarf and modified scarf hold.

Strategies, techniques and training are important in submission wrestling because this could mean the difference between winning and losing. If you decide to commit full time to this contact sport, you are there to prove you are better than other fighters rather than getting your butt kicked. Learning never ends in this sport so you have to stay in shape.

 Came in useful.


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